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Article: The Modern Age of Birding

The Modern Age of Birding

The Modern Age of Birding

If there is one lifestyle, hobby or pastime that has shaken off its stigma for being 'uncool' and 'boring', it has to be bird-watching. How things have changed!

Birders have ongoingly received judgement (with no malice!) for outing themselves on their 'lifestyle choice', sometimes for even mentioning their appreciation for birds. Thankfully the world has progressed and diversity is on the rise, but there are many of us out there who have yet to find the courage to come out.

Bird watching is increasingly becoming popular amongst younger generations thanks to new technologies developed to identify and catalogue bird species, the ability to share bird photography on social media, a rise in urban birding (particularly during the pandemic) and an increased awareness of the mental health benefits of birding.

Here is our list of a few birder influencers that inspire us;

Still, many hold the opinion that this is a lifestyle reserved for retirees and ornithologists (where would be without them?) but Birding continues to grow and it's exciting to be part of a thriving, diverse and passionate global community. 

Modern Birders of the world unite!

Need more proof that birding is on the rise? Take a look at these profiles from leading media outlets:

The Birds Are Not on Lockdown, and More People Are Watching Them

The New York Times, May 2020

Pandemic Bird-Watching Created a Data Boom—and a Conundrum

Wired Magazine, September 2021

Uh-Oh. Birdwatching Is About to Become Cool

Esquire Magazine, May 2014

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