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Collage image of Birds and other predators that are a risk to the Golden-shouldered Parrot
Bird Awareness

Part 2: Predators of the Golden-shouldered Parrot - A Battle for Survival.

This is the second article in our Avian Journal series.  Where we’re continuing to shed light on the challenges facing the endangered Golden-shouldered Parrot conservation effort.  To support Gold...

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golden-shouldered parrot that is critically endangered
Bird Awareness

Part 1: Golden-shouldered Parrot - Searching for a return to the Golden Years - The Ant-bed Parrot.

With fewer than 800 remaining in the world, the Golden-shouldered Parrot is a striking symbol of beauty on the brink. This is an extraordinary bird, and it desperately needs our help. Nestled in ...

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Nature’s Architects - How Bird Nests Inspire Architecture - Part Three
Bird Awareness

Nature’s Architects - How Bird Nests Inspire Architecture - Part Three

In the final chapter of our Nature’s Architects series, we journey to an amazing hilltop home in Costa Rica, also home to the world's most vibrant bird life. We also take a look at the artistry of ...

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Nature’s Architects - How Bird Nests Inspire Architecture - Part Two
Bird Awareness

Nature’s Architects - How Bird Nests Inspire Architecture - Part Two

For centuries, birds have inspired the world of ‘built-form’; they are, after-all, nature’s master Architects, crafting intricate nests and structures that blend function, beauty, and sustainabilit...

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Nature’s Architects - How Bird Nests Inspire Architecture - Part One
Bird Awareness

Nature’s Architects - How Bird Nests Inspire Architecture - Part One

For centuries, birds have inspired the world of ‘built-form’, they are, afterall,  nature’s master Architects, crafting intricate nests and structures that blend function, beauty, and sustainability.

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