Our Accessories Manufacturers and their Birds
Join us as we take a trip around the globe, visiting bird species who share the same home as our manufacturers in Poland, China and Türkiye.
POLAND (Enamel Mugs)
Eurasian Wren
Location: European wooded areas with a dense understory
Eurasian Wrens are familiar in the gardens across much of Europe, but they live a more extreme lifestyle in other parts of the world. This 'lil bird — weighing in around the same as a AAA battery — breeds above tree-line in the Swiss Alps, and has been recorded as high as 4,575 metres (15,000 feet) in the Himalayas!
White-tailed Eagle
Location: European skies & parts of Asia and Greenland
The White-Tailed Eagle's courtship involves an aerial displays culminating in the male and female locking talons and spinning toward the earth together, "cartwheeling" or doing the "death-spiral" breaking off only at the last moment. This apex predator is the largest eagle in Europe and also poseses the widest wingspan of any eagle worldwide!
CHINA (Thermo Bottles)
Wreathed Hornbill
Location: SouthEast Asia in tropical forests
Located in the Yunnan Province's Yingjiang county, Shiti is home to nearly half of all the known bird species in China. It is unfortunate that some of the local rare birdlife were nearly driven to extinction by the local villagers due to hunting, however locals say it was out of necessity and survival as they didn't have much food.
Today, these same birds, such as the Wreathed Hornbill, have experienced foe turn to friend. Birdwatching tourism to the area has boomed since 2017, and now the prosperity of these rare birds is also linked to the prosperity of the local economy and people.
Spotted Dove
Location: Asia, and introduced in many parts of the world, including Australia.
It's important that we celebrate the ‘common birds’. Just because they are widespread doesn't make them any less important. One such bird is the Spotted Dove, and our representative to our Chinese manufacturers who make our unique Thermo Bottles. These birds have special feathers which disintegrate to produce a powder for cleaning and lubricating the other feathers.
They also produce "Pigeon Milk"! from special glands, they secrete a thick milky substance for their young.
TÜRKIYE (Binocular Straps)
Location: Forests of Europe and the Palearctic
Moving back to Europe now, we arrive in Türkiye to acknowledge a very talented artisanal partner. We couldn’t go past its national bird, known as Kızıl Ardıç locally, a special migratory bird that is deeply rooted in the country’s cultural and natural heritage.
While it’s not clearly known how the Redwing became the National Bird of Türkiye, it has long been a symbol of natural beauty and resilience, mirroring the country’s diverse and robust landscapes. However, the Redwing is not just a symbol of beauty of Türkiye’s natural world but also the importance of harmony with nature. Its migratory patterns and adaptability are seen as metaphors for change and endurance.
Northern Bald Ibis
Location: Rocky cliffs of Morocco, semi-wild colonies in Türkiye
Continuing to honour our suppliers, we remain in Türkiye to meet the Northern Bald Ibis, a true feathered gem of the Middle East! With its striking bald head and long, curved beak, this rare bird isn't just a pretty face—it's a symbol of resilience. Once thought extinct in parts of its range, conservation efforts are helping to bring this unique species back - with wild colonies now mainly occur in Morocco, in Türkiye, conservation efforts have build a semi-wild colony.
They form strong bonds with their mates and are often seen foraging in groups, displaying a blend of elegance and teamwork.